Top Rated Henrico County VA Underage Possession of Alcohol Attorney

Henrico County VA Underage Possession of Alcohol AttorneyUnderage Possession of Alcohol in Henrico Virginia is not taken lightly. Va. Code§ 4.1-305 makes the underage purchase, possession or consumption of any alcoholic beverage a class 1 misdemeanor criminal offense. Henrico Police, University of Richmond Police, ABC Agents and State Troopers aggressively enforce the underage possession of alcohol law. This type of violation is prosecuted by the Henrico Commonwealth Attorney’s Office. Our lawyers can help you understand the allegation you are facing, the defenses of your case, and the consequences of a conviction. If you have been charged with this type of offense, then you need a top rated Henrico VA underage possession of alcohol lawyer to present your best defense. NOTE: An allegation is NOT a conviction!

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Experienced Underage Possession of Alcohol Henrico VA Defense Lawyers

Best Law Firm 2024 Riley Wells Attorneys at Law - Traffic Ticket, Reckless Driving, Speeding, and Virginia Criminal Defense Lawyer Riley & Wells Attorneys-At-Law is a prominent local Henrico VA criminal law defense firm. Our lawyers represent clients accused of Underage Possession of Alcohol before the Henrico Courts. We will help you understand the allegation you are facing, the possible defenses of your case, and the consequences of a conviction. We are recognized as a “Best Law Firm” by U.S. News & World Report. Our attorneys will examine the facts and circumstances surrounding your arrest. We will be looking for defenses to your case. We are located in Henrico a few miles from the Courthouse. Our firm has been positively reviewed more than any other law firm that defends criminal cases in Henrico VA. We can help!

Skilled Lawyers for Henrico County Underage Alcohol Cases

Liath Bricks
Quick response, professional staff, great service, and the best outcome I could hope for.

Summons Issued by Henrico Police for Underage Alcohol Possession

Summons Issued by Henrico Police for Underage Alcohol PossessionMost Henrico underage possession of alcohol cases begin with the issuance of a Virginia Uniform Summons. This is the legal document issued by Henrico Police during the police encounter rather than being arrested and being taken to the police station. A Henrico law enforcement officer can issue a summons for a criminal misdemeanor underage possession of alcohol offense. The summons serves as legal notice for the alleged violation. Signing the summons is not an admission of guilt. The summons advises you that a arraignment has been set before the Henrico General District Court.  Let our Henrico underage possession of alcohol attorneys review your case. We can develop a defense strategy even if you think you are guilty.

A Free Consultation with Most Rated Henrico VA Alcohol Lawyers

Free Consultation with Most Rated Henrico VA Alcohol LawyersUnderage possession of alcohol cases can have a negative longstanding impact if handled improperly. The biggest issue for most defendants is that they lack the necessary experience and legal knowledge to properly defend their case. The average person does not understand the best course of action to defend a particular case. Experienced Henrico VA defense lawyers know the best tactics for obtaining the best results. Our lawyers spend hours in the Henrico Courts every week and are familiar with the habits of the different judges and the law enforcement officers who make arrests and issue the summons’ for underage possession of alcohol. This local knowledge is invaluable in order to best defend your case.

Henrico VA Alcohol Possession Violation Defense Attorneys

Henrico VA Alcohol Possession Violation Defense AttorneysIn some cases, the police may have violated your Fourth Amendment Constitutional rights. Did the police have a reasonable suspicion to stop you? Was any warrant supported by probable cause? In many cases, you can prevail on a number of defense objections or motions. Sometimes the best option may be to plea bargain your case with the prosecutor. In either case, successfully resolving this type of case can only realistically be accomplished with the assistance of an accomplished criminal defense lawyer who specializes in defending alcohol cases. 

Penalties for Virginia Underage Alcohol Law Violation

  • Maximum 12 months in jail
  • Maximum $2,500 fine
  • 50 hours of community service
  • Alcohol Education and/or Treatment
  • Random Testing
  • Loss of driving privileges
  • Permanent criminal record

Henrico Alcohol Attorneys Recognized by Virginia Super Lawyers Since 2009

Super Lawyers for Virginia Criminal Law and Traffic DefenseSuper Lawyers is a legal rating service of outstanding attorneys from more than 70 practice areas including alcohol possession who have attained a high-degree of recognition and professional achievement. This organization recognizes the top practitioners nationwide using a patented process of independent research and peer input. Our law firm has been recognized by this publication since 2009. No more than five percent of all lawyers are named to this list and no more than 2.5 percent are named to the Rising Stars list. This recognition is merit based. Retain a top rated Henrico underage alcohol possession lawyer who has been recognized with this elite award.

An Arrest or Summons For Illegal Alcohol is NOT a Conviction

Underage Teenagers Driving Alcohol in Henrico County VirginiaVirginia law criminalizes recent consumption of alcohol by a minor. A Henrico police officer’s gathering of evidence of recent alcohol consumption such as slurred speech or an odor of alcohol along with an admission can be sufficient evidence to prove a violation. Henrico police officers do not have to actually recover alcohol for the prosecution to prove an underage possession of alcohol violation. Do not give up hope and protect your rights by contacting us today for a free initial consultation. Allow our Henrico VA alcohol possession lawyers to review your case. We can help even if you think you are guilty.

Henrico Possession of False Identification Defense Attorney

Henrico County VA False Identification Fake ID Defense LawyersPossessing false identification is another criminal offense closely linked to underage possession of alcohol. Possession of a fake ID is not an alcohol violation; however, in many instances young offenders in Henrico VA who are in violation of Virginia’s criminal alcohol laws are also in possession of a fake or fraudulent identification. In cases like these, the accused will likely be facing criminal charges for underage possession of alcohol and possession of a false identification. Virginia Code 18.2-204.2 makes it is illegal for any person to possess, manufacture or sell a fictitious driver’s license or other official identity card. This offense is a criminal misdemeanor jailable offense.

Driving After Illegally Consuming Alcohol in Henrico VA

Driving After Illegally Consuming Alcohol in Henrico VADriving a motor vehicle in the County of Henrico after illegally consuming alcohol is an offense closely related to underage possession of alcohol. Persons under age 21 driving after illegally consuming alcohol is a criminal misdemeanor offense. This violation is often referred to as a baby DUI when the driver under the age of 21 has a blood alcohol level of 0.02 but less than 0.08. The main distinction between this offense and a DUI / DWI is that this offense requires a chemical test. The DUI / DWI law criminalizes operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated. Henrico DUI / DWI cases can be proved even with no chemical test if other evidence proves intoxication.

Henrico Underage Possession of Alcohol Cases DISMISSED

Henrico County Underage Possession of Alcohol Cases DISMISSEDOur attorneys regularly represent minor in possession of alcohol cases in the Henrico Courts.  Many are students from area colleges: U of R, VCU, Virginia Union & John Tyler. CAUTION: Do not attempt to defend your criminal case without representation. In Virginia, criminal convictions are permanent and cannot be expunged or sealed. This case result is just one example where we secured a dismissal for our client’s case. Click on image for Court record.

Possession of Alcohol in Virginia & Related Offenses Henrico VA

Underage Drinking—Information for Parents and Teens Drinking and Driving The amount of alcohol in a person’s body is measured by the weight of the alcohol in a certain volume of blood. This is called the blood alcohol concentration or BAC. Alcohol is quickly absorbed and can be measured within 30 to 70 minutes of alcohol consumption. In 2010, one in five drivers ages 16–19 years involved in fatal crashes had a positive BAC. *Also in 2010, during prom/graduation season (April-June) 706 youths died in motor vehicle crashes, of which 66 percent were alcohol related. (*From Information provided in this brochure was found at the below web sites: Communicate with teens your ‘no drinking’ rules and the consequences for breaking them. Empower teens to make their own decisions based on what they know is right, not on what their peers might think or do. Tell them to call you immediately if they get into a situation they know isn’t safe – no matter what time it is and no matter where they are. Assure them they will not be in trouble for making that call. Talk to them. It makes a difference. Be a good role model. The example you set as a responsible adult is one of the most important ways you can demonstrate to your children your values and ideas about drinking. Believe it or not, teens actually identify their parents as the number one influence on whether they drink alcohol or not. Monitor social media. Know what social media tools your children are using. Young people often discuss their activities, to include drinking, on these sites. Providing alcohol to minors is illegal and irresponsible. According to research, two-thirds of teenagers who drink report getting alcohol from their parents or other adults. A parent hosting a party with alcohol for teens – even once – sends a message to teens that it’s okay to break the law. If you are caught drinking underage or under the influence of alcohol while underage, you will be charged. Stop and think before you drink! Youths who drink alcohol are more likely to experience:  School problems, such as more absences and poor or failing grades.  Social problems, such as fighting and lack of participation in activities.  Legal problems, such as being arrested.  Unprotected, unplanned, and unwanted sexual activity.  Disruption of normal growth and sexual development.  Alcohol-related car crashes and other unintentional physical injuries.  Changes in brain development that may have life-long effects, to include memory problems.  Higher risk for suicide and homicide.  Abuse of other drugs.  Death from alcohol poisoning.  Young people who start drinking before age 15 are five times more likely to develop alcohol dependence or abuse later in life than those who begin drinking at or after age 21. Zero Tolerance In an effort to save the lives and preserve the health of our children, Chief Douglas A. Middleton and Commonwealth’s Attorney Shannon Taylor have agreed to follow a zero tolerance policy for underage drinking. As a result, the Henrico County Police Division will take a zero tolerance approach to its under age drinking enforcement efforts. Persons under the age of 21 using alcohol poses serious public health and safety risks. Youths in the United States more commonly use and abuse alcohol than tobacco and illicit drugs. Alcohol abuse is responsible for more than 4,700 deaths annually among underage youths. Eleven percent of all alcohol consumed in the United States is consumed by persons between the ages of 12 to 20. More than 90 percent of this alcohol is consumed during binge drinking. The 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey revealed that among high school students, during the past 30 days: 39% drank some amount of alcohol 22% binge drank 8% drove after drinking alcohol 24% rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol. General Information on Alcohol Consumption by Youth

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11/10/2015 | Updated 2/29/2024