Top Rated Hanover County VA Assault & Battery Lawyer • 1500+ Reviews

A Hanover VA assault and battery defense attorney can defend you if you have been accused of assault in Hanover County VAHanover County assault and battery cases can range from misdemeanor bar fights and domestic disputes to more serious felony offenses such as malicious wounding. Assault & Battery in Virginia is a criminal offense. A violation can either be a felony or a misdemeanor depending on various factors such as severity of injury, victim classification or prior convictions. If you have been arrested for Assault & Battery in Hanover VA, then you need an experienced Hanover County assault & battery attorney.

Hanover County Assault & Battery Attorney Client Review

Liath Bricks
Quick response, professional staff, great service, and the best outcome I could hope for.

Retain an Experienced Attorney to Present the Best Defense

Best Law Firm 2024 Riley Wells Attorneys at Law - Traffic Ticket, Reckless Driving, Speeding, and Virginia Criminal Defense Lawyer Riley & Wells Attorneys-At-Law is a reputable local law firm that regularly represents clients with assault and battery allegations in the Hanover County Courts. We can help you understand the charge you are facing and the possible defenses of your case, which may include self-defense, mutual combat or lack of intent to name a few. We examine the facts and circumstances surrounding your arrest, as well as the evidence the prosecution will attempt to use against you at trial.

Domestic Violence Hanover Lawyer | Present The Best Defense

Hanover County Domestic Violence Assault and Battery Domestic violence is referred to as assault and battery against a family or household member according to Va. Code 18.2-57.2. The Hanover Sheriff’s Office investigate these allegations. The responding deputy sheriff will conduct an investigation and will be looking for evidence to establish who was the primary aggressor. The primary aggressor is typically the party that is arrested. No arrest warrant is needed to make this kind or arrest. But remember, an arrest is NOT a conviction.

NOTE: A domestic assault and battery arrest will trigger the issuance of an Emergency Protective Order (EPO), which is effective for 72 hours

Effective Hanover County VA Criminal Defense Attorneys

All assault and battery cases are criminal offenses and can either be a misdemeanor or felony offense based on the evidenceThe Judges in Hanover take assault & battery cases seriously. The Commonwealth’s Attorney along with the Victim Witness Assistance Program aggressively prosecute these types of allegations. If you have been arrested for assault and battery, then you need an advocate who can present your side of the incident. Do not give up hope. Protect your rights and retain the best Hanover County Assault & Battery Lawyer to present your best defense. Our lawyers regularly defend these types of cases.

Self-Defense is a Common Defense to an Assault & Battery Allegation

Self defense is a common defense in assault and battery cases.In Virginia, you do not necessarily have to retreat to defend yourself. If you are under attack, you can stand your ground and defend yourself. If you are not at fault when attacked, then you can use reasonable force to defend yourself without having to retreat. The force used in self defense must be reasonable in relation to the threat from your attacker. If you did not provoke the fight, and you reasonably fear that you are in imminent danger of bodily harm, then you may use reasonable force to protect yourself.

Hanover County Assault & Battery DISMISSED

hanover county assault and battery lawyers successfully represent a client and secured a dismissal

Hanover County Assault & Battery DISMISSED

Our attorneys represented a client who was arrested for assault & battery in Hanover County after a workplace dispute. Our client was a manager of a large motor vehicle dealership and found himself in the unfortunate position of having to deal with a problematic customer. The customer was eventually banned from the auto dealership, but did not comply with the ban. The customer assaulted our client in an altercation. The customer made an allegation against our client that resulted in an assault & battery arrest. Our client was shocked because the entire event was captured on the dealership video cameras. We were able to gather the necessary evidence and convinced the Commonwealth Attorney to drop the case.

Let us review YOUR case. We can help!

11/10/2015 | Updated 5/6/2021