Top Rated Chesterfield County VA DUI / DWI Lawyers • 1500+ Reviews

Best Law Firm 2024 Riley Wells Attorneys at Law - Traffic Ticket, Reckless Driving, Speeding, and Virginia Criminal Defense LawyerRiley & Wells Attorneys-At-Law is a Chesterfield County law firm that specializes in defending clients accused of driving while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Our Chesterfield VA DUI / DWI lawyers possess over 60 years of combined Virginia DUI / DWI law experience and are routinely recognized for legal excellence and high ethical standards. Our firm is a recognized “Best Law Firm” according to U.S. News & World Report. We represent clients before the Chesterfield Courts charged with DUI / DWI. Our attorneys have an established reputation for effectively representing clients accused of drunk driving offenses. We have been positively reviewed more times than any other law firm that defends Chesterfield DUI / DWI cases. You can benefit from our experience!

Put our experience to work for you – Let us review your case!

30,000+ Clients Represented

1500+ Client Reviews

60+ Years of Combined Experience

Experienced Chesterfield County VA DUI / DWI Attorney Best Defense

Experienced Chesterfield County VA DUI / DWI Attorney Best DefenseDriving Under the Influence (DUI) also referred to as Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a criminal offense that occurs when a person operates a motor vehicle while intoxicated with alcohol or drugs. A Chesterfield County DUI / DWI arrest can be an embarrassing and devastating event. You need a non-judgmental advocate to give you straightforward advice about protecting you before the Chesterfield Courts and presenting your best defense. You need an experienced Chesterfield DUI / DWI lawyer. Our top rated Chesterfield County VA DUI / DWI Lawyers are dedicated to representing the best interests of clients. We use every resource the law allows to best protect our client. NOTE: An arrest is NOT a conviction.

DUI / DWI Defense Attorneys Client Review – Chesterfield County

Liath Bricks
Quick response, professional staff, great service, and the best outcome I could hope for.

Chesterfield County Drunk Driving Defense Attorney • Specialized Training

Chesterfield County VA DUI DWI Attorney Defense LawyerThe DUI / DWI law is a specialized area of the criminal law. Exercise caution before you engage an attorney for representation that lacks the proper training and experience. Our role is to assist you with navigating an often difficult landscape and to present your best defense. Our Chesterfield County VA DUI / DWI defense lawyers are sustaining members of prominent DUI / DWI organizations such as the National College for DUI Defense. We are top rated Chesterfield VA DUI / DWI lawyers that clients who are serious about their freedom and future want to represent them. We use every resource the law allows and consider guilty pleas only when they are in the best interest of our clients.

Free Chesterfield DUI / DWI Consultation with Most Rated Lawyers

Free Chesterfield DUI / DWI Consultation with Most Rated LawyersIt can be difficult to find the right Chesterfield County DUI / DWI lawyer. We submit there are many things that you should consider before you retain a Chesterfield DUI / DWI defense attorney. You should first consider if the lawyer represents clients charged with DUI / DWI before the Chesterfield Courts. Engaging a lawyer who is not familiar with the Judge who will decide your fate is usually not a wise choice. Evaluate the lawyer’s DUI / DWI legal knowledge and expertise along with reputation and accomplishments. Now is not the time to find out if your lawyer is up to the challenge. We offer a free consultation to demonstrate that we have what it takes to present your best defense.

Effective DUI / DWI Lawyer in Chesterfield County

We understand that a Chesterfield DUI / DWI arrest can be a freighting experience. Not knowing what will happen is stressful. The Virginia DUI / DWI law is complex. And the penalties can be harsh. In fact, Virginia has some of the strictest DUI laws in the country according to a study by WalletHub. Navigating the Chesterfield Courts with this type of case by yourself is not realistic. You need representation. If you have been arrested for DUI / DWI in Chesterfield County, then you need to retain the best Chesterfield County DUI lawyer possible. Our attorneys are specially trained and possess extensive experience. Let us review your case! There may be defenses to your case even if you think you are guilty.

Virginia Chesterfield DUI DWI Penalties

  • Incarceration
  • Ignition interlock
  • Loss of driving privileges
  • Expensive fines

  • Probation
  • Problems with automobile insurance
  • Issues with employment

Experienced DUI DWI Defense Attorneys Chesterfield County

Super Lawyers for Virginia Criminal Law and Traffic DefenseAn experienced Chesterfield County Virginia DUI / DWI Attorney on your side can help you understand the complexities of the Virginia DUI law. Our top rated lawyers are dedicated to defending DUI / DWI cases. We present your best defense and help you mitigate the harsh penalties associated with a DUI / DWI arrest. The simple fact is that you are in trouble with the law and you need a non-judgmental advocate to give you straightforward advice about protecting you before the Court. Our Chesterfield DUI / DWI Lawyers have been recognized by Virginia Super Lawyers since 2009. No more than five percent of lawyers are named to this list. Retain the best lawyer to defend your Chesterfield DUI / DWI case.

Breath Testing for Chesterfield County DUI / DWI Cases

Chesterfield County VA DUI Breath TestVirginia DUI / DWI law according to Va. Code Section 18.2-266 criminalizes the operation of a motor vehicle if a chemical test proves the driver possesses a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or more at the time of driving. It is also a violation of the DUI /  DWI law for a motorist to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of illegal drugs or prescription medication or any combination of drugs and alcohol. Breath Test evidence is significant to the Chesterfield County Commonwealth Attorney’s DUI / DWI case but it is not required. And sometimes even a chemical test result of 0.08 or more does not automatically mean you will be convicted of your Chesterfield DUI / DWI case.

Chesterfield County DUI DWI Investigation Field Sobriety Testing

Chesterfield County DUI / DWI Investigation Field Sobriety TestingChesterfield County police officers transition traffic stops into DUI / DWI investigations once they detect an odor of an alcoholic beverage. Every motorist who becomes the target of a Chesterfield police DUI / DWI investigation will typically be asked to perform field sobriety exercises. The police officer will ask the motorist to perform these exercises in a way that makes the motorist think performance is mandatory. The leading tests include the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus, the One Leg State and the 9 Step Walk and Turn. These exercises or tests are completely VOLUNTARY.  A motorist is never required to perform any field sobriety exercise.

NOTE: There is almost no scenario where a motorist should perform these tests

Retain a Lawyer That Specializes in Chesterfield County DUI /DWI Defense

Retain a Lawyer That Specializes in Chesterfield County DUI /DWI DefenseThe drunk driving laws are aggressively enforced by Chesterfield Police and Virginia State Troopers. The state troopers usually patrol Interstates 95 & 295 and Routes 288, 150/Chippenham Parkway and Route 76/Powhite Parkway. Chesterfield police officers will also patrol those highways but more typically focus their patrols on local routes such Midlothian Turnpike, Hull Street, Jefferson Davis Highway. Both police departments will frequently hold sobriety checkpoints and typically use the same protocol to investigate a DUI / DWI case, which will often include field sobriety testing and breath testing. Sobriety checkpoints are permitted if a certain specific set of criteria is followed. There roadblock plan design and implementation must be supervised by senior officers of the police department.

Chesterfield DUI /DWI Lawyer Defenses to Drunk Driving Cases

Chesterfield DUI /DWI Lawyer Defenses to Drunk Driving CasesChesterfield DUI / DWI cases can be complex. The success of the defense will depend on the specific circumstances of your case. We will investigate your case and look for every possible defense. It is important to remember that each Chesterfield County DUI / DWI case is unique. The strength of the defense will depend on the evidence. Our experienced Chesterfield VA DUI / DWI attorneys will assess your case, identify the most effective defense strategies, and help you navigate the legal process. If you are facing a Chesterfield DUI /DWI charge, it is strongly recommended that you seek legal counsel from a top rated lawyer to protect your rights and build a strong defense. Some defenses may include the following:

  1. Challenging the Stop: Did the Chesterfield Police have a valid reason to stop your vehicle? If the initial traffic stop was unlawful, it may be possible to challenge the entire case.
  2. Lack of Probable Cause: To make an arrest, Chesterfield police officers must have probable cause to believe you were driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated.
  3. Errors in Field Sobriety Tests: Field sobriety tests administered by Chesterfield Police, such as the walk-and-turn, one-leg stand or horizontal gaze nystagmus are often used to assess impairment. These tests can be subjective and prone to errors.
  4. Problems with Breathalyzer Tests: Breathalyzer results can be influenced by various factors, and the device must be properly calibrated and maintained.
  5. Rising BAC: If your BAC was rising at the time of your arrest, you may be able to argue that you were not above the legal limit while driving, even if you tested over the limit later at the Chesterfield County police station.
  6. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions or medications can affect a person’s ability to perform field sobriety tests or can cause false positives on breath tests.
  7. Necessity Defense: In rare cases, a necessity defense can be employed if you can show that driving under the influence was the only reasonable option to prevent a more significant harm.

Chesterfield County DUI / DWI Sobriety Checkpoint Defense Attorney

Chesterfield County DUI / DWI Sobriety Checkpoint Defense AttorneyChesterfield County police will sometimes use a DUI / DWI checkpoint to apprehend intoxicated drivers. The Chesterfield police also catch drivers violating other criminal & traffic laws at sobriety checkpoints. These Chesterfield roadblocks are temporary and are supposed to be random. This law enforcement procedure permits the police to lawfully stop a vehicle and ask for driver’s license and vehicle registration. In reality, the Chesterfield police are often looking for signs of alcohol or drug impairment. The checkpoints have to be set up according to specific procedures and must be properly supervised. If you have been arrested at a Chesterfield County DUI / DWI sobriety checkpoint, then you need a top rated Fairfax DUI / DWI lawyer.

Virginia Implied Consent Law for Chesterfield DUI / DWI Cases

Virginia Implied Consent Law for Chesterfield DUI / DWI CasesThe Virginia implied consent law applies to Chesterfield County DUI / DWI arrests. This law says that by driving on the state’s roads, you have impliedly consented to a chemical test to determine your blood alcohol content (BAC) if there is probable cause evidence that you operated a motor vehicle on the Chesterfield County highway while intoxicated. The motorist does not get to choose between a blood or breath test. Unreasonable refusal of a breath or blood test can result in an additional charge that carries a driver’s license suspension if convicted. In some cases, the Chesterfield County police officer will obtain a search warrant for blood if a driver refuses to take a chemical test.

A Reckless Driving Verdict Can Be a Win if Arrested For DUI / DWI

A Reckless Driving Verdict Can Be a Win if Arrested For DUI / DWIState Troopers typically patrol the Interstates. Chesterfield Police Officers typically patrol county roads such as Midlothian Turnpike, Hull Street & Jeff Davis Highway. Both law enforcement agencies look for drunk drivers while on patrol. The police officer can make a DUI / DWI arrest without a warrant if there is probable cause evidence. Sometimes, our DUI lawyers can convince the prosecution to amend a DUI allegation to reckless driving. This type of disposition is typically considered a win.

Chesterfield DUI / DWI 2nd Offense Accident BAC 0.23 NOT GUILTY

Chesterfield DUI Accident 2nd Offense within 10 years 0.23 BAC Not GuiltyOur Chesterfield County DUI / DWI lawyers represented a client who was arrested for a second offense DUI / DWI within 10 years with an alleged BAC of 0.23 after being involved in a single accident on Charter Colony Parkway. The accident involved running off the road and striking a tree. The client admitted to consuming alcohol to the police officer who was dispatched to investigate the crash but did not perform any field sobriety exercises. A breath test at the station later revealed a blood alcohol content of 0.23. Our Chesterfield DUI / DWI attorneys were able to develop defenses to the case along with mitigation evidence to convince the prosecution to drop its drunk driving case.

An Illegal Traffic Stop Will Dismiss a DUI / DWI Case

A skilled Chesterfield DUI Lawyer can find weaknesses in a case to protect the client


Police officers have countless reasons to conduct a lawful traffic stop. However, there are cases where the police stop a motorist without a lawful reason. In this case, the police officer stopped traffic because the rear license plate light bulb was dim. The police officer suspected our client of 2nd offense of driving under the influence of alcohol. The client did not perform particularly well on the administered field sobriety tests and refused the breath test offered at the station. Our lawyers prepared and filed a Motion to Suppress the police traffic stop as unlawful. After negotiating the case with the prosecution, the client was satisfied to walk away with a reckless driving verdict.

Chesterfield County DUI / DWI Lawyers Client Review

Chesterfield County VA DUI Client Review

Let us review YOUR case. We can help!

11/10/2015 | Updated 3/1/2025