Top Rated Bowling Green VA Traffic Lawyer • 1500+ Client Reviews

Best Law Firm 2024 Riley Wells Attorneys at Law - Traffic Ticket, Reckless Driving, Speeding, and Virginia Criminal Defense Lawyer Riley & Wells Attorneys-At-Law is a local law firm that regularly practices traffic law in the Bowling Green VA courts. Our law firm possesses over 60 years of combined traffic law experience and is routinely recognized by various legal publications for superior legal ability and the highest ethical standards. An experienced Bowling Green Traffic Attorney familiar with the local rules of the court can make all the difference between either a conviction or an acquittal. Our law firm has defended hundreds of traffic cases in the Bowling Green courthouse. CAUTION: A traffic violation conviction may increase the automobile insurance premium by as much as 79%, according to a study conducted by

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30,000+ Clients Represented

1500+ Client Reviews

60+ Years of Combined Experience

Interstate 95 Traffic Law Defense Bowling Green VA

Interstate 95 Traffic Law Defense Bowling Green VAThe Town of Bowling Green is the county seat of Caroline County, which has several major highways and Interstate 95 running through it. These highways are traveled by thousands of travelers each day – whether going to local destinations or traveling through to places like Washington, D.C. The Virginia State Police and the Caroline County Sheriff’s Office patrol these highways and write thousands of traffic tickets every year. The high rate of speed of traffic on I-95 makes it is easy to become pulled over and charged with a traffic violation – even if you were merely “going with the flow of traffic.” Our top rated Bowling Green VA traffic lawyers can help!

Bowling Green VA Traffic Lawyer Client Review

Zach Murray
Fantastic results from a Professional Team that answered every question promptly. Can't argue with great results! Highly recommended.

Experienced Traffic Attorneys Bowling Green VA

Experienced Traffic Attorneys Bowling Green VARetaining a local Bowling Green Traffic Lawyer has several benefits. In many instances, you will not be required to appear in court because we can appear before the court on your behalf and motion to the court to have your appearance waived.  This will save you the hassle and expense of having to travel back to court if you are not from the area or have other important obligations pending on your trial date. Our attorneys have a solid track record of having traffic charges either significantly reduced or sometimes even dismissed in the Bowling Green courts.

Riley & Wells Attorneys-At-Law Defend Bowling Green VA Traffic Violations

  • Aggressive driving
  • Out-of-state drivers
  • Speeding ticket
  • Accidents
  • Moving violations
  • Fail to yield to emergency vehicle
  • No valid driver’s license
  • No automobile insurance
  • Reckless Driving
  • Fail to “Move Over”
  • Suspended driver’s license
  • Handheld cellphone use while driving
  • Habitual offender
  • Hit & Run
  • DUI
  • Eluding the police
  • License restoration
  • Commercial driver violations
  • Driving revoked 18.2-272

Traffic Violations | Demerit Points | Driving Record | Insurance

When you are convicted of a traffic violation, the court notifies the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). DMV does the following: Posts the conviction to your driving record; Assigns you demerit points according to the severity of the offense; Issues an order of suspension, if applicable; Issues an order requiring the successful completion of a driver improvement clinic, if applicable; and Notifies your insurance company upon request. Traffic Violations And Demerit Points The following lists present the traffic violations that have demerit points. These violations are grouped according to the number of DMV demerit points assigned to each violation. The number of years that the conviction stays on your DMV record is in parentheses beside each violation. An asterisk (*) indicates that the conviction remains on your record permanently. Six Point Violations Four Point Violations Three Point Violations DMV is not liable for damages that may result from errors on these lists. For a full description of violations and penalties, contact us. This information may change without prior notice. Demerit points will also be assigned to your record for traffic convictions incurred in other states. DMV also posts to your record traffic violations that do not carry demerit points. Length Of Time On Your Record The length of time that a conviction stays on your record depends on the severity of the violation. If you receive an order or notice of revocation, suspension, disqualification or cancellation, your convictions could remain on your record for even longer than specified in one of these lists. DMV demerit points remain on your record for two years from the date that you commit the offense. The dates that demerit points are removed from your driving record are not related to the dates that convictions are removed from your record. Insurance Company Points Your insurance company may also assign points on your insurance record. Insurance company points are developed by individual companies and are not related to DMV demerit points.

Exceptional Traffic Court Representation Bowling Green Virginia

Exceptional Traffic Court Representation Bowling Green VATraffic cases goes before the Judge on the trial date in the General District Court. The defendant motorist must either retain a Bowling Green VA traffic lawyer or the motorist must appear in court to defend the case. The procedural rules of trial are very rigid and are followed closely by the Judge. Non lawyers are often confused by these rigid procedural rules, especially the rules of evidence. Evidence and arguments are presented to the Judge.  Do not plead guilty or pre-pay a traffic ticket without first consulting an attorney. Improve your chances of successfully defending your case by retaining a top rated Bowling Green VA traffic lawyer who will present your best defense. Let us review your case.

Free Consultation with Most Rated Bowling Green Traffic Lawyers

Bowling Green VA Reckless Driving Attorney Traffic Ticket Speeding Lawyer Free ConsultationSome folks think they do not need a Bowling Green VA traffic lawyer for their case. One of the biggest issues with representing yourself is being able to make it to the courthouse in Bowling Green VA for trial. The average person typically does not understand the best course of action to defend a particular traffic case. Experienced Bowling Green VA traffic attorneys know the best tactics and options for obtaining the best results. Our lawyers spend hours in the Bowling Green VA Courts every week and are familiar with the habits of the different judges and the law enforcement officers who make the arrests and issue tickets for traffic violations. This knowledge is invaluable to present the best defense.

Bowling Green VA Traffic Attorney Recognized by Virginia Super Lawyers

Super Lawyers for Virginia Criminal Law and Traffic DefenseSuper Lawyers is a legal rating service of outstanding lawyers from over 70 practice areas including traffic law who have attained the highest degree of recognition and professional achievement. This organization recognizes the nation’s top rated attorneys using a patented process of independent research and peer input. Our Bowling Green VA traffic lawyers have been recognized by this publication since 2009. No more than five percent of the Virginia lawyers are named to this list and no more than 2.5 percent are named to the Rising Stars list. This recognition is merit based. Retain a Bowling Green VA traffic lawyer who has been recognized by Virginia Super Lawyers with this elite award.

Bowling Green Traffic Lawyer Client Review

Bowling Green Virginia Trial Courts Are Adversarial By Design

Bowling Green VA Criminal Law Reckless Driving Traffic Violation Defense AttorneyIf you have been accused of a Bowling Green VA traffic violation, then your case will eventually be set for trial before the General District Court. Trials are adversarial in nature. This involves a structured and formalized dispute between the defense and the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office. The adversarial system is designed to ensure a fair trial according to the rules of law and evidence by allowing each party to present their case and challenge the other party’s evidence and arguments. The Bowling Green judge evaluates the evidence, arguments, and reaches a verdict. This system ensures that the prosecution meets its high standard of proof. Our Bowling Green VA traffic attorneys can help you with your case.

Virginia Uniform Summons Traffic Ticket Issued by Bowling Green Police

Bowling Green VA Reckless Driving Speeding Traffic Ticket LawyerA Virginia Uniform Summons is the legal document issued by Bowling Green VA law enforcement officers during a traffic stop. Motorists often refer to this document as either a traffic ticket or citation. The summons serves as legal notice for the alleged traffic violation. Signing the summons is not an admission of guilt. The summons advises you that a hearing will be at the Bowling Green Courthouse on a particular date and time. A law enforcement can also issue a summons for criminal offenses such as reckless driving and other misdemeanor offenses. Allow our top rated Bowling Green traffic lawyers to review your summons. We can develop a defense strategy even if you think you are guilty.

Out of State Driver Retain Top Rated Traffic Lawyer Bowling Green VA

Out of State Driver Retain Top Rated Traffic Lawyer Bowling Green VABowling Green VA is along the Interstate 95 corridor. Millions of travelers use this highway every day. Out-of-state drivers must defend their Bowling Green traffic ticket because a conviction will be reported to the home state. The home state and automobile insurance company may then take action against the driver. As such, many licensed drivers from states like Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, District of Columbia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut & Massachusetts drive through Bowling Green VA. In many instances, we can make a motion to waive our client’s appearance so that our client does not have to return to the courthouse for the trial. Let our Bowling Green VA traffic lawyer review your case!

Holding Cell Phone While Driving is a Traffic Violation

Holding Cell Phone While Driving is a Bowling Green VA Traffic ViolationThe Bowling Green Police Department, Caroline Sheriff and State Police aggressively enforce the Virginia “Hands Free” driving law. The law prohibits having a phone or handheld personal communication device in your hand while driving pursuant to Va. Code §46.2-818.2. The Bowling Green VA law enforcement officer does not need to obtain evidence that you were doing anything in particular on the phone or device like texting to prove a violation. This offense is a moving violation demerit point offense. A conviction will post to the driving record. However, there are exceptions. The hands free law does not apply to drivers who are lawfully parked or stopped, drivers reporting emergencies, and drivers using an amateur or citizens band radio.

No Valid Driver’s License DISMISSED

driverlicensecheckpointOur Bowling Green traffic attorneys represented a client from North Carolina who was charged with driving without a valid driver’s license in violation of Va. Code 46.2-300. This is a misdemeanor criminal violation. There are many laws that criminalize operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license. In this case, we reviewed the Virginia State Trooper’s evidence and found a flaw. We entered a not guilty plea and challenged the prosecution’s evidence. We made various objections that protected our client. The Judge granted our motion to strike the prosecution’s case and dismissed the charge.

Many Traffic Violations Are Moving Violation Demerit Point Offenses

Many traffic offenses have consequences that go way beyond DMV moving violation demerit points on your driving record or a fine. These offenses may result in an active jail sentence or a loss of driving privileges if not handled properly. You can benefit from our experience. We are here to assist you with your case. Our law practice has built up solid relationships with the judges, prosecutors and law enforcement officers. If you find yourself accused of a traffic violation – whether serious or minor – it is always wise to contact a Bowling Green Traffic Lawyer before proceeding with your case.

Let us review YOUR case. We can help!

11/10/2015 | Updated 1/20/2025

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