Best Botetourt County VA Reckless Driving Lawyers • 1500+ Client Reviews

Best Law Firm 2024 Riley Wells Attorneys at Law - Traffic Ticket, Reckless Driving, Speeding, and Virginia Criminal Defense Lawyer Riley & Wells Attorneys-At-Law is an experienced law firm. We specialize in defending reckless driving cases and have over 60 years of collective reckless driving law experience. Our trial lawyers have been recognized superior legal ability and the highest ethical standards. We can help you with your Botetourt County VA reckless driving case. Do NOT plead guilty without first consulting an attorney. The consequences can be devastating. Do not miss an opportunity to defend yourself! CAUTION: A Botetourt County reckless driving conviction will on average increase the automobile insurance premium by 73% or $1,046 EACH YEAR, according to a study conducted by

Put our experience to work for you – Let us review your case!

30,000+ Clients Represented

1500+ Client Reviews

60+ Years of Combined Experience

Reckless Driving is a Criminal Offense in Virginia

Reckless Driving is a Criminal Offense in VirginiaReckless Driving in Virginia is a criminal misdemeanor offense. Most of our clients are good people who simply made a mistake. Our clients are serious about protecting their freedom & driving privileges. Other concerns include employment, professional licensing and automobile insurance policies. Virginians and residents from out of state need a dedicated professional advocate. We represent Virginia drivers and out-of-state clients before the Botetourt County General District Court.

Most Rated Traffic Lawyer Botetourt VA Reckless Driving Client Review

Thomas Eichler
Excellent legal advice and professional representation. Highly recommended!!

Reckless Driving on Interstate 81 in Botetourt County VA

Reckless Driving on Interstate 81 in Botetourt County VAInterstate 81 runs through Botetourt County VA. Several motorists get pulled over for driving too fast on this stretch of highway. Our reckless driving lawyers will examine your case and use proven strategies to successfully defend you. We use every resource the law allows to best protect our client. We zealously advocate for every client. We are diligent and fight for our clients to achieve the best possible outcome under the law. Let us review your case. You can benefit from our experience.

VA Reckless Driving Speeding Law is Enforced in Botetourt County

VA Reckless Driving Speeding Law is Enforced in Botetourt CountyBotetourt County enforces the reckless driving excessive speed law. Va. Code 46.2-862 is the most enforced reckless driving provision by State Troopers & Botetourt County Deputy Sheriffs.  In Botetourt County, most of the enforcement occurs on Interstates 81 & Route 11. Virginia law states that a driver is guilty of reckless driving for driving faster than 85 mph or 20 miles per hour or more above the speed limit. Violations of this law carry strict penalties if convicted.

Virginia Summons Reckless Driving Ticket Issued by Botetourt Police

Virginia Summons Reckless Driving Ticket Issued by Botetourt PoliceA Virginia Uniform Summons is the legal document issued by Botetourt Deputy Sheriff’s or State Troopers during a reckless driving traffic stop. Motorists often refer to this document as a ticket. The summons serves as legal notice for the alleged reckless driving violation. Signing the summons is not an admission of guilt. The summons advises you that a hearing will be at the Botetourt County General District Court on a particular date and time. The hearing will either be an arraignment or a trial depending on the case. Allow our top rated Botetourt VA reckless driving lawyers to review your summons. We can develop a defense strategy even if you think you are guilty.

Free Botetourt County VA Reckless Driving Lawyer Consultation

Free Botetourt County VA Reckless Driving Lawyer ConsultationSome drivers think they do not need a lawyer for their Botetourt County VA reckless driving case. The biggest issue is usually experience. Keep in mind that there can be a lot riding on the case because reckless driving is a criminal misdemeanor that carries harsh penalties. Our top rated Botetourt VA reckless driving lawyers know the best tactics for obtaining good results. Our attorneys spend a significant amount of time in the Botetourt General District Court every day and are familiar with the habits of the of the different judges and the law enforcement officers who issue reckless driving tickets. This local knowledge is invaluable when determining how to best defend a reckless driving case.

Penalties For Virginia Reckless Driving Convictions

  • Incarceration
  • Maximum fine of $2,500
  • Permanent Virginia criminal misdemeanor conviction

  • Increased automobile insurance premiums
  • Potential loss of employment or employment opportunities
  • Suspension of driving privileges

A Botetourt Reckless Driving Ticket is NOT an Automatic Conviction

A Botetourt Reckless Driving Ticket is NOT an Automatic ConvictionA reckless driving criminal conviction can negatively affect you in many ways. However, a Virginia Uniform Summons or ticket is NOT a conviction. Our reckless driving defense lawyers defend this type of allegation in the Botetourt County General District Court. We know how to best protect our clients. The facts of each case can vary. Our knowledge, expertise, and experience helps us to select the best defense for your case. We diligently prepare arguments for your particular circumstances.

Riley & Wells Attorneys-At-Law Defend Botetourt County VA Reckless Driving Cases

  • 46.2-852 – General rule
  • 46.2-853 – Fail to maintain control; brakes
  • 46.2-854 – Passing on grade or curve
  • 46.2-855 – View obstructed/control impaired
  • 46.2-856 – Passing two vehicles abreast
  • 46.2-857 – Driving two abreast
  • 46.2-863 – Failure to yield
  • 46.2-864 – Parking lots
  • 46.2-865 – Racing
  • 46.2-865.1 – Injury or death while racing

  • 46.2-858 – Passing at a railroad crossing
  • 46.2-859 – Passing a stopped school bus
  • 46.2-860 – Failing to give proper signals
  • 46.2-861 – Driving too fast conditions
  • 46.2-861.1 – Failure to “Move Over” or Yield to Stationary Emergency Vehicle
  • 46.2-862 – Excessive speeding
  • 46.2-866 – Racing; aiders or abettors
  • 46.2-867 – Racing
  • 46.2-868.1 – Aggressive driving
  • 46.2-869 – Improper driving

Botetourt VA is Famous for I-81 Reckless Driving Enforcement

Botetourt VA is Famous for I-81 Reckless Driving EnforcementBotetourt County VA has a reputation for strict enforcement of the reckless driving law. According to a study by Governing magazine, there is a group of small Virginia counties, cities and towns that rely on traffic fines to fund its local government budget. However, its the Town of Eastville in Northampton County that relies more on traffic fines for revenue than any other locality with an astounding 72% of its budget coming from traffic fines and forfeitures.

Reckless Driving Defense REDUCES Case to Defective Equipment

Reckless Driving Defense REDUCES Case to Defective EquipmentDefective equipment is a minor no points traffic infraction. A common example is operating a motor vehicle with a broken headlight. A conviction only triggers a minor fine. There is no other negative impact. There are cases where we can convince the Court to find our client NOT GUILTY of criminal misdemeanor reckless driving. If the Judge will not completely dismiss the case, then a defective equipment disposition is the next best result.

Contact Us today for a free evaluation of YOUR case!

8/27/2021 | Updated 4/9/2024

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